Understanding Investing

PIMCO’s Active Investment Process

Our clients rely on an investment process that has been tested in virtually every market environment. Honed over 50 years, our process has helped millions of investors manage risk and pursue returns through every market environment.

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In today’s rapidly changing markets, investors are now more than ever looking for ways to gain an edge.

For over 50 years PIMCO has helped clients navigate virtually every investment environment. Because in dynamic markets, it takes a dynamic process.

Tested over decades, PIMCO’s active investment process takes a 360-degree view of the global economy and financial markets.

To get a big picture view what’s on the horizon, our annual secular forum brings together PIMCO investment professionals, distinguished guests and long-standing advisors to create a 5 year Marco economic outlook on a global scale.

To stay agile and up-to-date with the latest market developments, we continuously refine our outlook via cyclical forums where we examine a business cycle timeframe of 6-12 months.

The forums fuel the work of our investment committee, a group of senior portfolio managers, who distill insights into specific investment guidelines for all PIMCO portfolios.

To get a real feel on the ground for the risks we take, our analysts conduct in-depth credit research, risk-management and quantitative analysis for an understanding of risks and opportunities across countries, sectors, industries and individual securities.

Throughout our process, we apply behavioral science insights to help us control biases and make better decisions for portfolios and our clients.

Together, all of these inputs empower our seasoned teams of portfolio managers. Helping them actively manage portfolios and creating opportunities to help our clients succeed across changing markets and changing times.

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Berdibek Ahmedov
Product Strategist
Robert Arnott
Founder and Chairman, Research Affiliates
Andrew Balls
CIO Global Fixed Income
Justin Blesy
Asset Allocation Strategist
Meredith Block
ESG Research Analyst
Allison Boxer
David L. Braun
Portfolio Manager
Jelle Brons
Portfolio Manager, Global and U.S. Investment Grade Credit
Nathaniel Brown
Director of the PIMCO Foundation
Erin Browne
Portfolio Manager, Asset Allocation
Esteban Burbano
Fixed Income Strategist
Grover Burthey
Portfolio Manager, ESG
Libby Cantrill
U.S. Public Policy
Kenneth Chambers
Fixed Income Strategist
Stephen Chang
Portfolio Manager, Asia
Richard Clarida
Global Economic Advisor
Mathieu Clavel
Portfolio Manager, Alternative Credit
Tony Crescenzi
Portfolio Manager, Market Strategist
Harin de Silva
Portfolio Manager, Special Situations
Pramol Dhawan
Portfolio Manager
Matt Dorsten
Portfolio Manager, Quantitative Strategy
Jason Duko
Portfolio Manager
David Forgash
Portfolio Manager
Max Gelb
Product Strategist
Nick Granger
Portfolio Manager, Quantitative Analytics
Adam Gubner
Portfolio Manager, Distressed Debt
Daniel H. Hyman
Portfolio Manager
Daniel J. Ivascyn
Group Chief Investment Officer
Mark R. Kiesel
CIO Global Credit
Sean Klein
Head of Client Business Strategy – Client Solutions and Analytics
Kristofer Kraus
Portfolio Manager
Kyle McCarthy
Alternative Credit Strategist
Lalantika Medema
Alternative Credit Strategist
Mohit Mittal
CIO Core Strategies
Alfred T. Murata
Portfolio Manager, Mortgage Credit
John Murray
Portfolio Manager, Global Private Real Estate
John Nersesian
Head of Advisor Education
Sonali Pier
Portfolio Manager, Multi-Sector Credit
Lupin Rahman
Portfolio Manager
Graham A. Rennison
Quantitative Portfolio Manager
Steve A. Rodosky
Portfolio Manager
Jerome M. Schneider
Portfolio Manager
Marc P. Seidner
CIO Non-traditional Strategies
Emmanuel S. Sharef
Portfolio Manager, Asset Allocation and Multi Real Asset
Greg E. Sharenow
Portfolio Manager, Commodities and Real Assets
Kimberley Stafford
Global Head of Product Strategy; Responsible for Sustainability Oversight
Jason R. Steiner
Portfolio Manager, Private Lending and Opportunistic Strategies
Christian Stracke
President, Global Head of Credit Research
François Trausch
CEO and CIO of PIMCO Prime Real Estate
Megan Walters
PIMCO Prime Real Estate
Qi Wang
CIO Portfolio Implementation
Jamie Weinstein
Portfolio Manager, Corporate Special Situations
Paul-James White
Portfolio Manager
Tiffany Wilding
Jerry Woytash
Portfolio Manager, Short-Term Desk
Kirill Zavodov
Portfolio Manager, Real Estate
Mike Cudzil
Portfolio Manager
Stuart Graham
Head of PIMCO Canada
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