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Allocating across a broad range of global sectors and asset classes can help enhance return potential and moderate overall portfolio volatility. Learn about our risk-factor-based approach to asset allocation and the factors that investors should consider when deciding where to invest.

The Benefits of Staying Invested

The Benefits of Staying Invested

Investors are more likely to reach their long-term goals if they remain invested and avoid short-term decisions that may take them off course.

Risk factor diversification

Risk factor diversification

Traditional portfolio construction approaches, which focus on asset class diversification, may fall short of investors’ goals. A more efficient diversification strategy may be to allocate across the underlying “risk factors.”

The chart depicts examples of how hedging effectiveness varies depending on market scenario. It outlines most effective and least effective environment for correlation-based hedges (long Treasuries, trend following, alternative risk premia) and direct hedges (tail risk).
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Bonds offer the potential for regular income, preservation of capital and portfolio diversification, and can also serve as a hedge against riskier asset classes, particularly in times of economic uncertainty. Learn about the benefits of a diversified global bond portfolio and the broad array of sectors from which investors can choose.

Sustainable Investing: Understanding ESG in Bonds
Putting bonds to work

Putting bonds to work

An overview of the potential benefits of bonds, including income, diversification, price appreciation and steadier returns.



Most bond investors know that interest rate changes can affect the value of their fixed income holdings. How a bond or bond portfolio’s value is likely to be impacted by rising or falling rates is best measured by duration.

Corporate Bonds

Corporate Bonds

After government bonds, the corporate bond market is the largest section of the global bond universe. With a vast array of maturities, yields and credit quality available, investing in corporate bonds has the potential to provide higher yields than government bonds and diversification benefits for investors.



The bond market is by far the largest securities market in the world, providing investors with virtually limitless investment options. Many investors are familiar with aspects of the market, but as the number of new products grows, even a bond expert is challenged to keep pace. Once viewed as a means of earning interest while preserving capital, bonds have evolved into a $100 trillion global marketplace that can offer many potential benefits to investment portfolios, including attractive returns. Before tackling the complexities of this huge and diverse market, it is important to understand the basics: What is a bond and how can bonds help meet your investment goals?

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Complementary asset classes and investment strategies can potentially provide an overall risk and reward balance in a portfolio over the long term. Explore these select topics to learn more about the ever-expanding range of investment choices available today.

Sustainable Investing: Understanding ESG in Bonds
Understanding Preferred Securities

Understanding Preferred Securities

Traditional preferred securities (“preferreds”) are fixed-income investments with equity-like features mainly issued by large banks and insurance companies.

Understanding Alternatives’ Speak
The Benefits of Staying Invested

The Benefits of Staying Invested

Investors are more likely to reach their long-term goals if they remain invested and avoid short-term decisions that may take them off course.

Measuring closed-end fund performance: Net Asset Value (NAV) versus Market Price
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Understanding the impact that volatility and severe market shocks can have on long-term returns, and planning accordingly, should be an important consideration in investment decision-making. Learn how investors can proactively guard their portfolios against these risks and their potentially disastrous outcomes.

Risk factor diversification

Risk factor diversification

Traditional portfolio construction approaches, which focus on asset class diversification, may fall short of investors’ goals. A more efficient diversification strategy may be to allocate across the underlying “risk factors.”

The chart depicts examples of how hedging effectiveness varies depending on market scenario. It outlines most effective and least effective environment for correlation-based hedges (long Treasuries, trend following, alternative risk premia) and direct hedges (tail risk).
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Over time, inflation erodes investment returns and reduces the purchasing power of savings, posing a significant threat to long-term financial goals. Inflation can also spike unexpectedly, defying the predictions of even the most seasoned professionals. Learn about the historical impact of inflation and ways investors can hedge their portfolios against this threat.

Inflation in a Historical Context
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Sara Adjir
Portfolio Manager
Berdibek Ahmedov
Product Strategist
Joshua Anderson
Portfolio Manager, Asset-Backed Securities
Kodjo Apedjinou
Quantitative Research Analyst
Yacov Arnopolin
Portfolio Manager, Emerging Markets
Robert Arnott
Founder and Chairman, Research Affiliates
Andrew Balls
CIO Global Fixed Income
Jamil Baz
Head of Client Solutions and Analytics
Peder Beck-Friis
Arnaud Benahmed
Portfolio Manager
Michael Biemann
Fixed Income Strategist
Justin Blesy
Asset Allocation Strategist
Meredith Block
ESG Research Analyst
Global Advisory Board
Andrew Bosomworth
Allison Boxer
David L. Braun
Portfolio Manager
Jelle Brons
Portfolio Manager, Global and U.S. Investment Grade Credit
Nathaniel Brown
Director of the PIMCO Foundation
Erin Browne
Portfolio Manager, Asset Allocation
Lorenzo Brunelli
Fixed Income Strategist
Esteban Burbano
Fixed Income Strategist
Grover Burthey
Portfolio Manager, ESG
Julie P. Callahan
Libby Cantrill
U.S. Public Policy
Yishan Cao
Credit Research Analyst
Kenneth Chambers
Fixed Income Strategist
Rick Chan
Portfolio Manager, Global Macro Hedge Fund Strategies
Michael Chandra
Head of U.S. Public Client Practice
Stephen Chang
Portfolio Manager, Asia
Gang Chen
Nathan Chiaverini
Barbara Clancy
Head of PIMCO Latin America and the Caribbean
Richard Clarida
Global Economic Advisor
Mathieu Clavel
Portfolio Manager, Alternative Credit
Giovanni Companioni
Tony Crescenzi
Portfolio Manager, Market Strategist
Josh Davis
Global Head of Risk Management
Harin de Silva
Portfolio Manager, Special Situations
Mukundan Devarajan
Quantitative Research Analyst
Andrew DeWitt
Portfolio Manager, Commodities
Pramol Dhawan
Portfolio Manager
Fabian Dienemann
Quantitative Research Analyst
Matt Dorsten
Portfolio Manager, Quantitative Strategy
Anna Dragesic
Head of Global Credit Product Strategies
Jason Duko
Portfolio Manager
Marissa Dyrdahl
Product Strategist
Simon Fan
Joachim Fels
David Forgash
Portfolio Manager
Cristian Fuenzalida
Preeyam Gandhi
Subhash Ganga
Portfolio Manager, Asia Emerging Markets
Courtney Garcia
Max Gelb
Product Strategist
Normane Gillmann
Quantitative Research Analyst
Nick Granger
Portfolio Manager, Quantitative Analytics
Adam Gubner
Portfolio Manager, Distressed Debt
Helen Guo
Co-Head of Client Solutions and Analytics, Americas and Asia-Pacific
Munish Gupta
Portfolio Manager
Lewis Hagedorn
Portfolio Manager, Commodities
Mahmoud Hajo
Co-Head of Client Solutions and Analytics – Americas and Asia-Pacific
Erol Hakanoglu
Senior Advisor, Client Solutions and Analytics
David Hammer
Portfolio Manager
Lloyd Han
Client Solutions and Analytics
Brendan Hanley
Credit Analyst
Jeff Helsing
Dan Hwang
Credit Analyst
Daniel H. Hyman
Portfolio Manager
Daniel J. Ivascyn
Group Chief Investment Officer
Rachit Jain
Portfolio Manager, European RMBS
Mark R. Kiesel
CIO Global Credit
Erica Kinsella
Product Strategist, ESG Strategies
Sean Klein
Head of Client Business Strategy – Client Solutions and Analytics
Brian Koscielak
Fixed Income Strategist
Kristofer Kraus
Portfolio Manager
Bryan Lazarus
Annisa Lee
Head of Credit Research, Asia Pacific
Lillian Lin
Portfolio Manager, Investment Grade Credit
Matthew Livas
Nicola Mai
Portfolio Manager, Sovereign Credit Analyst
Jason Mandinach
Head of Alternative Credit and Private Strategies
Rene Martel
Head of Retirement
Samuel Mary
ESG Research Analyst
Scott A. Mather
Kyle McCarthy
Alternative Credit Strategist
Lalantika Medema
Alternative Credit Strategist
Mohit Mittal
CIO Core Strategies
James Moore
Alfred T. Murata
Portfolio Manager, Mortgage Credit
John Murray
Portfolio Manager, Global Private Real Estate
Paul Murray
Founder, Paul Murray Consulting
Vijendra Nambiar
Product Strategist, Pension and Investment Solutions
Rama S. Nambimadom
Melissa Navas
Abhijeet Neogy
Portfolio Manager
Andrew Nowobilski
Quantitative Research Analyst
Lorenzo Pagani
Portfolio Manager
Rick Pagnani
Niels K. Pedersen
Quantitative Research Analyst, Asset Allocation Research
Tapio Pekkala
Sonali Pier
Portfolio Manager, Multi-Sector Credit
Gavin Power
Chief of Sustainable Development and International Affairs
William Quinones
Product Strategist
Lupin Rahman
Portfolio Manager
German Ramirez
Client Solutions and Analytics
Neal Reiner
Product Strategist, Alternative Credit
Graham A. Rennison
Quantitative Portfolio Manager
Juan Rojas
ESG Research Analyst
Chris Santore
Quantitative Strategies
Jerome M. Schneider
Portfolio Manager
Marc P. Seidner
CIO Non-traditional Strategies
Vinayak Seshasayee
Portfolio Manager
Emmanuel S. Sharef
Portfolio Manager, Asset Allocation and Multi Real Asset
Greg E. Sharenow
Portfolio Manager, Commodities and Real Assets
Masoud Sharif
Quantitative Research Analyst
Wade Sias
Kimberley Stafford
Global Head of Product Strategy; Responsible for Sustainability Oversight
Jason R. Steiner
Portfolio Manager, Private Lending and Opportunistic Strategies
Christian Stracke
President, Global Head of Credit Research
Kate Tan
Aaditya Thakur
Portfolio Manager, Australia and Global
Ashish Tiwari
Product Strategy, Asia-Pacific and Hedge Funds
François Trausch
CEO and CIO of PIMCO Prime Real Estate
Jerry Tsai
Client Solutions and Analytics
Konstantin Veit
Portfolio Manager, European Rates
Stephania Vielma
Stefan von Martial
ESG Product Strategist
Megan Walters
PIMCO Prime Real Estate
Jamie Weinstein
Portfolio Manager, Corporate Special Situations
Paul-James White
Portfolio Manager
Tiffany Wilding
Andrew T. Wittkop
Portfolio Manager, Treasuries, Agencies, Rates
Jerry Woytash
Portfolio Manager, Short-Term Desk
Kirill Zavodov
Portfolio Manager, Real Estate
Angie Zheng
Quantitative Research Analyst
Alex Zhou
Credit Research Analyst
Ryan Mulvey
Avi Tillu
Portfolio Manager, Hedge Fund Strategies
Mike Cudzil
Portfolio Manager
Christopher J. Brightman
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, Research Affiliates
Ben Bernanke
Chair, Global Advisory Board
Stuart Graham
Head of PIMCO Canada
Vinicius Silva
Portfolio Manager, Emerging Markets
Seray Incoglu
Portfolio Manager, Commercial Real Estate
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How Can Your Cash Work Harder?   Video
Investment Strategies

How Can Your Cash Work Harder?(video)

Investors hold cash for a variety of reasons, but having the bulk of cash in traditional instruments may not be the best option across all the reasons for holding cash. A liquidity tiering strategy can help investors gauge how much cash they actually need in their portfolios based on their goals and objectives -- and how much they should consider allocating to higher-returning short duration strategies.

Specialty Finance: An Expanding World of Opportunity   Video
Gain an Active Edge in the Bond Market (video)   Video
Macro at PIMCO: Beyond Duration Calls   Video
Fed Policy: One Month of Good Data Is Not Enough

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